The word 'teppanyaki' literally means 'to grill on an iron plate' and is derived from 'teppan', meaning iron plate, and 'yaki', meaning grilled, roasted or fried. Anything you can think of can be prepared on this YAKINIKU Teppanyaki plate. If you have ever been to Japan, you will know that they also prepare rice, miso soup and eggs on the teppanyaki. In the Western world, the teppanyaki plate is mainly used for grilling meat, fish or vegetables.
With the YAKINIKU Teppanyaki plate for the LARGE Kamado, you can practise the refined Japanese cooking technique right in your own backyard. Teppanyaki is a typical and modern Japanese way of preparing food.
For the best results, maintain a temperature of 180°C in your Kamado. The plate is made of extra strong stainless steel and can be easily cleaned.