Cooked onion | cloves | sea crab by restaurant Inter Scaldes***
4 persons | Kamado, Appetizers, Fish and shellfish, Yakiniku favorites | Fish | Main dish, Appetizer
Prep time
15 min
15 min
Cook time
135 min
135 min
Total time
150 min
150 min
Prep time
- Light a medium amount of charcoal and heat your Kamado to 145°C. When the Kamado is at temperature place the pro set in the Kamado, for this recipe work with indirect heat. Place the heat shield on the lowest level and the grill on the highest level.
Court by Paul de Groote and Ruben van Helvert - Restaurant Inter Scaldes***
- Stick 15 cloves into each onion and then let the onions cook for about 75 minutes in the Kamado on the grill.
- Meanwhile, cook the crabs in a court bouillon and then remove the claws and legs.
- When the onions are done, cut the caps off the onions and scoop out the onion onion, save this. When doing this, leave the inner ring on!
- Then mash the contents of the onions with the butter and season with salt.
- Then mix the puree with the crab and fill the onions back up with this. Grate some parmesan cheese over the top of the onions and return them to the Kamado for about 4 minutes.
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- 4 medium-sized onions
- 3 kg of North Sea crab
- 60 cloves
- 80 gr butter
- 150 gr parmesan cheese
- court bouillon
- salt
- pro set
- hand blender
- grater